Course Description
This web seminar will review the updated FDA Guidance Document titled “Informed Consent Guidance for IRBs, Clinical investigators and Sponsors” dated August 2023. This guidance is intended to assist institutional review boards (IRBs), clinical investigators, and sponsors in complying with FDA’s informed consent regulations for clinical investigations. The revisions include significant changes to the provisions regarding informed consent and provide guidance related to the requirements described in 21 CFR part 50; as well as regulations pertaining to informed consent found in FDA’s regulations on Investigational New Drug Applications (21 CFR part 12) and Investigational Device Exemptions (21 CFR part 812). An overview of the guidance will include general consent requirements and exceptions, review of the basic elements, documentation requirements, and responsibilities of each party. Additional questions to be addressed include consideration in pediatrics, non-English speakers, considerations for Legally Authorized Representatives (LARs), and electronic informed consent.
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Learning Objectives
Who Should Attend
Nikki Christison, B.S., C.C.R.A., T.I.A.C.R.
Click here for complete trainer biographies
Hold this course at your company! For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at +1 215.413.2471.