Bring Clinical Research Training to Your Company In-Person or Virtually
From course development to instructor selection and workbook production, Barnett handles it all and brings it right to your facility. You can choose courses from our vast library of training seminars, or mix and match from among several topics. All of our courses can be customized to your company's specific processes, and can be held in-person or on the web. And, if you can't find what you need in our current list of offerings, we can design, develop and deliver original courses to address your organization's unique educational needs.
Available worldwide, at your location or via the web, Barnett International's On-Site Seminars are a more cost-effective way to train a group of employees than other training alternatives.
Comprehensive Training Programs:
Barnett International has been providing up-to-date training on essential topics in the clinical research, regulatory affairs, and manufacturing areas for over 10 years. In addition, to content that reflects industry best practices, our courses include real-world examples and interactive case study simulations. Barnett's hands-on approach to learning provides pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology industry members with a solid knowledge base that can be applied directly in the workplace.
Annual Training Program Development:
Individual training programs may be only one piece of your training puzzle. Barnett can also assist with the annual training program development, consulting with your company to establish long-term training curricula for each job type. Barnett's consultants can work with you to evaluate your current resources with the outside providers. Learn more....
Customizable Material Brought to Your Facility:
Barnett's On-Site Training Division is happy to bring any of our 150+ fully developed courses to your facility or Investigator Meeting, customized to meet your exact needs. Courses can be scheduled at your staff's convenience in order to accommodate schedules and maximize limited time resources. Barnett's courses are designed in a module format that allows us to create an agenda specific to your team's training needs. In addition, we are happy to incorporate your organization’s SOP and/or project information into the course material. Likewise, Barnett is able to develop new training modules according to your specifications.
Platform Adaptability -In-Person, Web-Based or eLearning Delivery:
Barnett offers all courses in-person, via the web or eLearning, or as a "blended" learning solution. All options offer a seamless, real-time multimedia learning experience, focused on practical implementation that can be used directly on the job. Whether you prefer an in-person course, a web or eLearning course offered at the convenience of your own desk, or a combination of the two, Barnett can meet your company's particular needs through our multiple platform options.
Investigator Meeting Services:
Investigator training is an ongoing area for concern, and the Investigator Meeting is an optimal place to address these concerns and to ensure that your site teams are in compliance. Barnett can provide content or logistical support for your Investigator Meetings, including key compliance and process training that is tailored to your study protocol.
Cost-Effective Training Resource:
On-Site Training is an extremely cost-effective approach to education when training groups of 8 or more. By bringing quality content and instructors to your facility, transportation, hotel, and incidental costs for attendees are eliminate, allowing you to make the most of the limited training funds.
Accredited Content:
Accreditation is available for most On-Site Training offerings. Barnett is a provider of continuing education units (CEUs) from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), which can be applied to your offerings.
Experienced Instructors:
Barnett courses are taught by industry experts with a wide variety of experience. Our instructors have worked with the top pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology industry organizations, academic institutions, and government agencies.
Personalized Service:
For more information on course content, training program development, instructors, and cost estimates, please contact Naila Ganatra at 215-413-2471 or write to nganatra@barnettinternational.com.