Web Seminar Recordings on Key Clinical Research Topics
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Archive: Introduction to Clinical Research
Course Description
Have you ever wondered what clinical trials are and how they are conducted? This web seminar is designed to answer those basic questions. We will look at how drugs progress from discovery to testing in humans, and learn what it takes to obtain approval to treat a disease or condition. We will discuss the similarities and differences between drug and medical device development. Finally, we will review how Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is applied to clinical trials around the world and how it is designed to protect clinical trial participants and ensure that the information obtained during a clinical trial is accurate and reliable.
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Learning Objectives
- Describe the different phases of drug development
- Differentiate between drug development and medical device development
- Discuss the historical events and importance of GCP throughout the world in clinical research
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring Clinical Research Associates and Clinical Research Coordinators
- Clinical Research Associates and Clinical Research Coordinators with less than six months experience
- College Students and New Graduates in a Scientific Field
- Nurses
- Individuals considering participating in a clinical trial or know of someone who is considering participating in a clinical trial
Lily Romero, P.A., C.C.R.C.
Click here for complete trainer biographies
Hold this course at your company! For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at +1 215.413.2471.