Web Seminar Recordings on Key Clinical Research Topics

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Archive: Real-World Monitoring: Tips for Success and Sanity

Course #: BI11464
January 16, 2014

Course Description

The Clinical Research Associate (CRA) position is both demanding and extremely rewarding. This web seminar provides tips and strategies to help the new CRA navigate his/her early years in the profession. Topics ranging from the practical (packing and travel tips) to the philosophical (how to earn trust and credibility) are covered. Participants will also learn how to set the stage for success as a CRA from a veteran monitoring professional.

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify key skills and personality traits for success as a CRA
  • Describe the workflow of a successful monitoring visit
  • List the top five activities required of new CRAs for quality performance

Who Should Attend

  • Clinical Research Associates with two years of experience or less
  • Clinical Research Associate Managers
  • Trainers or those responsible for new Clinical Research Associate on-boarding
  • Individuals pursuing a Clinical Research Associate career


The course will be led by one of the following instructors:

Nikki Christison, B.S., C.C.R.A.

Click here for complete trainer biographies


Hold this course at your company! For more information, contact Naila Ganatra at +1 215.413.2471.

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